Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Top ten Villains

Muahahahahah! Who else has a little villain in them that likes to come out? My friends joke with me that my conscious has two sides bad and worse.  I am not really sure how to take that but that's beside the point.  This is a list of my top ten villains. This is not like a top most evil villains there are just villains that I really like. Now I apologize if your favorite doesn't make the list.  I tried to mix it up this time not every person I put on this list is going to be a super twisted villain.  So with that out of the way here is my list.

#10 Team Rocket
Growing up i'm sure we all watched Pokemon, if you didn't I feel sorry for you guys because your childhood was't as good as mine. Even as a kid I liked to root for the bad guys. Because I feel like the bad guys always won. I always felt bad for team Rocket they never caught that damn Pikachu.  They always had some super elaborate plan to catch him and it would fail.  It always made me laugh because they had the worst Pokemon.  Like my man Wabafett he was worthless for them.  He always came out of his Pokeball when ever he felt like it.  On the flip side they also had the coolest Pokemon Meouth because he could talk.  At least they had that going for them, other than that they sucked. Oh and I almost forgot their entrances were on point!

#9 Lelouch Vi Britania
I had a hard time to put him on this list because he could also be an Anti-Hero.  I thought about it and I decided that he was a villain.  For three reasons one he tried to kill his best friend.  Which even if my best friend was for something I was totally against in this situation I still wouldn't try to kill the guy.  I love him he is like my brother so even if he was trying to kill me I still couldn't bring myself to do so. 2 he killed way to many people.  I don't think you can be considered a hero of justice if you start a revolution even if it is for a good cause. 3 he tried to convince the Japanese he was their messiah.  Which is blasphemy which claiming to be god is not a good thing.  For the fact that it is hard to actually call him a full fledged villain is why he is only number 9 on my list.

#8 Priscilla Claymore

TO give you a very rough over view of the anime so you understand why she is on this list.  So claymore is about a bunch of monsters called called Yoman who can shape shift and they eat humans.  So there are a group of girls who get a yoma placed inside of them and they become half Yoma.  So the main character is Claire.  In the middle of the Anime there is a flashback to see why Claire chose to become Claymore.  So after her parents are killed by yoma and this girl Teresa who is the best Claymore she is ranked number 1.  She kills They Yoma in Clare's village.  The village was scared that Clare is also a yoma so they cast her out of the village.  So she decides to follow Teresa around.  So some things happen and the organization who is over the Claymores sends the number 2,3, and 4 claymores to kill Teresa for killing a human.  Teresa is just wrecking their day like she is way to powerful for them.  Priscilla who is the #2 claymore gets all pissed off and lets the Yoma inside her take over. That is a bad thing becomes when they let they Yoma take over they become an awakened Yoman.  They are by far the most powerful Yoma, and they are no longer on the humans side.  So after Priscilla beomes awakened she kills Teresa.  So the rest of the Anime is Clare Trying to get her revenge.  So the reason Priscilla is on this list because she took by far the strongest Claymore and killed her.  I found it very Impressive.

#7 Esdeath Akame ga Kill

Esedeath has a heart of Ice.  You see what I did there? If you have seen the Anime you will get the reference.  She doesn't really have a heart of Ice she actually is very loyal and loves he subordinates. She is a captain of the army and has the imperial arms to control ice.  She also loves war and is ruthless to the people she is at war with. She ends up falling in love with the main protagonist of this show Tatsumi.  I thought that was a really good twist.  As the anime rolled on I couldn't help but start to like her.  She was my favorite charterer of the show by far!

#6 Medusa Soul Eater

Soul Eater is one of my favorite Anime to begin with.  Now as I was doing research before this so I can figure out who I waned on this list.  Everyone mentioned Asura from this anime, which he is the main villain in this Anime but I like Medusa more.  I liked Medusa a lot in this Anime, she diad a lot of work behind enemy lines you could say.  She posed as the school nurse and tricked the whole school she was a good person.  Second she had a demon weapon melted down and put it in her son Corona.  She then tortured her son his whole life so he would be a ruthless killer.  If you have seen the anime you now that Corona turned out to be a psychopath.  She also had a thing for Stein I kind of wanted them to start dating for some weird reason.  Medusa was sick and twisted and that is why I liked her so much.

#5 Majin Buu Dragon Ball Z

Majiin Buu is just a bad ass, plain and simple.  He could be the strongest villain of all time.  Buu is really strong as I just mentioned, but he is also very playful.  He is not your typical villain doesn't have some super evil plan.  Nor does he have some deep grudge against the protagonist like in most anime series. He is juts pretty much a dick.  He is one of the few villains to actually succeed in killing the human race.  He literally does his human extinction attack and kills every human on the planet,  That is pretty bad ass if you ask me.  That is why he is number 5 on this list.

#4 Makishima Shoujgo Psycho-Pass

Makishima is your typical bad ass villain.  He is very intelligent, he has a very cold personality, and he is very manipulative.  Those are three things a villain should have right?  So in this show they have the civil system which judges how likely you are to commit a crime.  Makishima can not be read by the civil system that is why he gets away with murder so much.  Makishima convinced a whole group of people to start riots and kill everybody to try and get rid of the civil system.  He also kills the main characters friend right in front of her.  These sick and twisted mind games he plays lands him number 4 on my list.

#3  The Major Hellsing Ultimate

The major is not just one of my favorite villains he is also one of my favorite characters overall.  He is a Nazi Major who leads an army of Nazi Vampire soldiers.  Now how scary/bad ass is that.  If I could lead an army of soldiers I would want it to be vampire Nazis.  Now this guy starts a war to kill Alacard.  So he starts this war knowing all 3 million of his men are going to die.  Actually them dying is part of the plan so he an kill Alacard.  If you think in a weird twisted way his plan was brilliant.  His plan went one hundred percent according to plan.  Which I have no idea how you start a war knowing exactly what is going to happen.  His willingness to sacrifice all of his men is what landed The Major ant the number 3 spot.

#2 Orochimaru

I know I listed him in my last list, but I couldn't have a top ten villain count down with out him on this list.  He is freaking half snake and almost immortal.  The jealousy in me is leaking out right now. Plus he has that super long tongue I bet he never struggles with the bottom of pudding cups.  That being said he is a bad ass shinobe who really does what he wants.  His animal he made a contract with is a giant snake which is also pretty bad ass.  He will always be one of my favorite anime characters that is why he is so high on this list.

#1 Scythe Master Phantom Requiem for the Phantom

I feel like this guy doesn't get enough credit. This guy has a P.H.D in psychology and brain development.  He used that knowledge to make two of the best assassins ever. He refers to himself as the puppet master and mad two regular humans and brainwashed them to become two puppets who he controlled. I love how he did that, he didn't use some fancy machines to brainwash them. He used what he knew what about the human brain and molded them into the killing tools he needed them to be.  His excessive knowledge of the human brain and his twisted view on the world, and the fact he is not some super strong villain is what landed him number 1 on my list.  I just got mad respect for him because he is actually pretty weak but he can manipulate people at his will.

Thanks for reading this list make sure to comment and leave me some feedback!

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