Friday, January 15, 2016

Things in anime that grind my gears!!!

This here is a list of reoccurring situations in anime that really grind my gears! I mean have you ever just saw something and it just pisses you off? Or makes you say "what the fuck?' Here is a list of things that made me feel that way.

1. Anime Parents

    firs of all if your a main character in an anime there is 95% chance that your parents are dead. Or at least one of them is dead.  So I'm sorry if you ever wanted to be a main character in anime you have to find away to kill of your parents first.  Then if the anime character is lucky enough to have one or both parents, they suck as parents.  Its always like "my mom isn't home much because of work." Or "my dad changed once mom died."  Or some bull shit along those lines.  Anime parents really grind my gears...

2. Oblivious guys
How many times have you been watching a harem anime and six girls want to fuck his brains out and he never gets the hint? I swear if i was in that situation and I even goto the smallest hint that one of them wanted to smash and my pants would be off.  Like as soon as the camera cut back to me my pants would be no where o be found.  Or when they accidentally fondle or touch the girl and she flips out.  Then she proceeds to say "well I don't mind if its you. But be gentle."  Then the guy always gets embarrassed and rolls off.  Hell no! I'm in there at that point i'm putting my thumb in her butt and nothing is going to stop me.

. Brother/Sister Complex
I just find this extremely gross.. I have a hard time watching anime when siblings want to bang each other.  Never have I ever looked at my sister and thought " maybe we should knock boots." Or why do anime guys get turned on when a girl calls him "oni-chan."  I swear if I was attracted to a girl and she started to all me that. I'm smacking the shit out of her.

4. Scared of sex
Something even worse then the guys who have no idea a girl likes him.  Is when the guy knows she wants it and then turns her down for some stupid reason.  Some shit like "i'm not ready yet." Bitch I was born ready! Never have i ever turned down sex from a girl I'm attracted to. It wouldn't ever happen.  We could be smack dead in the middle of a tornado in the top floor of a building, and she wanted to have sex.  I'd still be down.  Or the cliche they start to blush and get really nervous and leave in a hurry.  That some hoe shit right there.  Even my first time I hopped in there confident! 

5. Announcing every move.
Every time I see this happen I can't help but laugh.  Why is it so important to announce your next attack. "Before I do my next move, let me tell you exactly what I'm about to do.  Like could you imagine Muhammad Ali doing some shit like that. He over there like "left hook, right hook, jab, jab, uppercut."  I can't handle that shit man it makes laugh to hard.  Then plus the other guy is dumbass watching him announce his moves.  Like as soon as Goku starts his kamehameha I'm rushing in there and giving him a mean ass uppercut.  I wouldn't let anyone say any of their attacks.

6.  Mid fight speech

Every action anime that I have watched this has never failed.  Right in the middle of the fight to the death the villain is always like. "hold on before I kill you let me tell you my life story and why I'm evil." Then they start to fight again.  About two or three moves later the good guy gets the advantage in the fight the he is all. "hold before I deal the final blow let me tell you how we had the same type of childhood and where you steered wrong in life." Then the villain goes all crazy because he just realized he lived his whole life wrong and proceeds to get his ass beat.  I would just punch his ass in the middle of his speech  save the viewers 2 episodes of flashbacks.

7. " I must keep this power a secret."

The old I have the power to kill a god but I can't tell anybody situation.  Fuck that if I had some super power or a unique power I'm putting the world on notice.  Like "yeah I can pretty much kill you by breathing on you if I wanted to." I would make the world pray to me. I would go blow up Russia! Why you ask? Because I have the power of a god and I don't like their food.  It grosses me out so I'm going to blow them up.  I would do everything I could to let everyone know that I am better than them and they need to fear me.

8. Festivals
I have been blessed to live on this earth for 21 years now.  I have seen a lot of anime in those years, and I still don't know what a fucking festival is good for.  Its a rule I think that every three episodes you must have a festival.  What the fuck man I don't get it. People who make anime be like.  "we haven't had a festival in 2 episodes better start preparing for the next episode.  Man I don't even like yukatas anymore.

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