Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Hey there my name is Quincy Mason aka the Anime Chief. I am relatively new to blogging but I am am studying Social Media marketing so this goes hand in hand to what i'm studying.  First I am going to tell you guys get a bit about me.  After that I am going to tell you my plans for the blog and how often I plan to post and things like that.  Then to wrap it up I am going to give you a top list of my favorite Anime just so you can get a feel of the type of Anime I will be talking about. I also plan on posting every Tuesday.

Like I said before my name is Quincy Mason I am born and raised in the state of Utah. I am not LDS I don't say that out of disrespect of the religion, people just assume that you are if your from this area. Growing up the only ting on my mind was sports.  I am not your typical jock, I am very grateful that I played sports. It took me to college where I could pursue my education. I played two years of college football one year at Utah state and one year at Snow college.  I currently go to school and I'm studying Social Media Marketing. About a year ago I fell into a new love of Anime.  After I had to give up football due to injury, I was devastated.  After you invest half of your life to something and in one instant its gone.  You end up losing yourself, so as I was up one night drinking Naruto came on. After that it all kind of spiraled into place from there. Anime took my mind off of football. It was a great way to just take a break from the world and take my mind into another world.  As this blog goes on you will learn more about me but that's just an overview. All this being said I am not an anime know it all. You guys probably know more than I do I just want to share a different opinion and give you guys something you will enjoy reading

Now it's time for the fun stuff  as it pertains to this blog.  This blog is all my opinion and if you agree, disagree, like, or don't like what I say please comment.  I love having discussions and having different perspectives on anime. If we all thought the same I think that would be pretty boring.  If your going to hate please do we can squash that beef in a discussion.  I want to do a lot of anime reviews.  I feel a lot of people are skeptical on whether or not to watch a certain anime so if you have an anime you want to watch i will do so.  Then I will give you an overview and my opinion on it.  I also want to do things that are a little different. Like certain things that bug me and or things that I like in anime. Of course if have an Idea I am going to go ahead and write about it. So that is just a rough over view. So if you have an anime or anime subject you want me to tackle (pun intended) I will do so. Leave a comment or Email me and I will put my Email at the end of the blog.

So now lets get into my top ten favorite anime. I'm going to channel my inner 50 shades of grey and say I have a particular taste in Anime.  I like when people die plain and simple. I know i'm sick, but when nothing happens and nothing that sad or crazy happens I get disappointed. So that being said let's get into it. Beware there are some spoilers so don't be to mas at me.

At #10 Naruto I know I know this show is overrated.  I know that the power of friendship, honor, and the ninja way is way over used.  I also know the show is 97% fillers.  I also know that Naruto and Sasuke are way to over powered.  In my defense it is the first anime I watched so I am being bias on it.  I really like the fact that someone that every one made fun of and Isolated and resented is someone that they know have to rely one.  I know this is a reach but it kind of reminds me of racism.  Me being a black male is something that is in my family history.  How we as people used to be treated like dogs and animals. Naruto in that same fact was treated terribly because he had the nine tails inside him.  Now going back to black people some of us are people we Idolize and look up to. Such as Lebron James, Tiger woods, Michael Jordan,  Not just in sports we have Coiln Powell Condeleezza Rice, Barack Obama. Regardless if you agree with what they do. I love how far we have come.  Naruto has done the same thing he is now the strongest ninja they have and the other ninja find themselves striding to be as strong as him. On a side note Sakura bugs the shit out of me. Just thought I would ad that in.

 At #9 is Samuri Champloo I have one word for you guys Mugen. He made this anime for me. Every Anime character has all these morals things they are against and that's fine and all but it gets repetitive.  Mugen is't shy around the girls he drinks like a fish and he doesn't give a shit. That being said I like this shows vibe. It is the opposite of most anime I have watched.  This anime has a more serious vibe where not so serious things happen and I really like that aspect of it.

At #8 I have Sword Art Online. I hope I don't get to much shade for this decision.  I honestly enjoyed this Anime.  For one particular reason Asuna and Kirito actually became a couple and we got to see it develop.  Most anime have this I don't know what we are i'm to nervous to tell you how I feel thing going on.  I really liked how they actually became a couple and got married.  I am also a huge gamer so that is a plus. I also like how engulfed Kirito was in the game. How that world was more real to him than the actual one. I like how when he got out of the game how lost and almost useless he was in the real world.

At #7 I have High school of the dead.  This anime was just fun for me.  The characters are forgettable to me as was the plot.  I just love zombies I mean who doesn't.  The fan service was pretty good to.  For the most part I liked this movie just because they were mowing down zombies, it's as simple as that.

 At #6 I Have Elfan Lied.I really loved this anime it was so enjoyable to watch. I love how dark and bloody this anime was.  I also love how Lucy/Nyu had that spilt personality thing going on. I really like how even though Lucy was a killer you have to love her.  As you see how she was treated and tortured in her past.  You realize she has every right to feel how she does.  Kouta kind of bugged me he had way t many shots and didn't make a move on Lucy.  I don't care how crazy she was I still would of gave it a shot. That's just me though.

 At #5 Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom. This show was fantastic I just want that to be known if you haven't seen this watch it. Reji and Scythe made this anime for me.  I love how you see Reji lose himself and regain himself in this movie.  That scene where Reji killed that child was great! You saw right there how Reji lost his humanity and became a cold blooded killer.  This is where my sick side comes out ], the scene where Scythe has Eren pose with the dolls and she was just as mindless as them. That scene gave me chills the amount of power he had over her was so eerie.  I loved how he had so much control over her mind at that point of the show.. This show is a great show to watch

   At #4 Tokyo Ghouls I can go on and on about the characters in this show.  I feel like the characters in this show were so really well done. I also love the opening song in season one. It gets you really excited for the show, that was also done really well. I really like Ken and Juzzou in this show. I liked Ken because he gave in to his crazy side.  He didn't spend the whole anime trying to hold it in and suppress it.  He said screw it and let the ghoul come out and he became a bad ass. I love Juzzous crazy ass.  You kind of learn why he is so crazy as the show progresses.  I love how he can take down some of the best Ghouls just because of how insane he is .  Other than that  the artwork was really good and so was the soundtrack.

At #3 Highschool DXD.  I have never laughed so hard in an anime in my life.  This show is gold!  I love how Issei is always talking about his dream of a harem and always shouting it out.  It made me laugh so hard that the fact he is in a life or death battle and the dream of a harem is what kept him going.  Like out of al the things to keep you going that is what he chose.  There is two sides to the coin though everytime one of the girls tried to make a move on him he froze up.  Come on lil homie you should taken them to the sheets and beat them cheeks.  If you where him what girl would you choose? I would of chose Akeno she was number one in my book.  She is smart and carries herself that way. She is also a tease which made me laugh way to hard plus she's a freak.  Thats like the ultimate combo right there I don't care what you guys think on this topic.  My mind is made up.
 At #2 Attack On Titan.  If you don't love or at least enjoy this anime I don't know if we can be friends, just kidding.  Still the point is this a great show if you haven't sen it I definitely more than the others recommend this show.  The artwork was second to none I loved the soundtrack and everything about it.  I am so pumped for the next season you don't even know.  When Erin first turned into a titan I shit a brick.  Then when Annie turned into a Titan I shit another brick.  I don't want to get to much into this anime because I don't want to ruin it for you but it is a great show to watch.

Then finally at #1 (ques drum roll)

 Miria Nikki or Future Diary.  This show had the best plot in my opinion.  This plot was ridiculously ridiculous and I mean ridiculous in a good way.  Like my man Darrel from Mad TV said "the back of yo head is ridiculous."  This back of this show is ridiculous.  If you don't get that reference go watch Can I have your number on you tube right now. This show was great as  you can tell I like a little crazy in my life and Yuno is the definition of crazy.  She loves Yukki so much that she actually did the game twice! Now that is some crazy love right there.  That aside this anime was done really well and it was drawn great as well.  I like how you see Yukki become a little more crazy each episode becasue of Yuno.  The best part of the show is when Yunno has yuki tied up and he sees the skulls of here dead parents.  After all that he stayed with her that's my type of dude right there.  The fact that they actually hooked up at the end and Yukki didn't go all soft on me made it that much better. This show isn't for everyone it's kinda twisted but I am kinda twisted so it worked really well for me.

That was my top ten I hoped you enjoyed it.  If you have any questions or recommendations on  an anime I should watch or do a review on.  Or if you have any blog ideas I'm open to them just comment below or email me at Animechief45@gmail.com Thank you guys for reading.

PS.  At the end of every blog I'm going to give you the songs of the week.  It's pretty much going to be the songs I was listening to while I was writing my blog so feel free to check them out this weeks songs are
Company- Drake ft Travis scott
Sex on the beach- PND (partynextdoor)
Preach- Drake ft PND
Wednesday Night Interlude- Drake ft PND

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